Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Workout Wednesday

It's been a few weeks since I've posted my Workout Wednesday. I guess I'll do it today.
Here it goes:

  • Bicycle crunches. Assume the crunch position. Bend knees. Lift legs in the air. As you crunch right elbow goes to left knee, as the right leg straightens out. It looks like your bicycle peddling. Switch sides. Keep the Shoulder blades off the floor. Inhale and exhale as you alternate sides. Use your core to keep you up. 50-100 repetitions.
  • The killer push ups. Lay flat on your stomach. Place hands on floor, shoulder width apart. Push up, using your arms. Do 25 reps. Place hands close together. Push up, elbows straight. 25 reps. They seem too easy but you will be dying by the end! It targets your triceps muscles, which is a very week muscle. The regular push up emphasize the pectorals and biceps. These work the smaller, weaker muscles. Try them out!
  • Take your kids to the Park and play with them! Don't sit there and watch them play! Sit them on your lap and swing, run up and down the play steps, climb and play tag! It's the best exercise. I'm serious. It's fun and keeps your kids occupied to go with it! Since there's alot of leaves on the ground, make a big leaf pile. Gather the leaves by bending and scooping with your arms. You naturally do alot of repetitions. You wont even realize you're doing your cardio!