Friday, December 30, 2011

pregnancy stats

Pre-pregnancy measurements: height 5'5 weight: will not disclose! ;-) bust: 34 inches waste: 26 inches hips: 37 inches..yah I have ghetto booty...

pregnancy measurements at 33 weeks(8 or 9 mos, depending on where you get your info but the American Obgyn Association says weeks 33-37 is 9 mos preg) ;-)

height: still 5'5 weight: up 17 lbs bust: 40 inches waste: 39 inches hips: 44 1\2 inches.

TALK ABOUT SOME MAJOR GROWTH!! I have some giant hips right now! The biggest growth is in the waste but that's where most of it ought to be!

Until next time!


Wednesday, December 28, 2011

33 weeks and 3 days!

I'm now 33 weeks and 3 days! I'm unable to upload a picture on my touch pad at the moment. I'm huge and miserable. I'm measuring a little large and will be induced at 39 weeks. I'm hoping she will come sooner! The baby is still lying oblique. Her head is in my right hip. I've been trying to get her to move down but haven't been successful! It's very uncomfortable! Now she's getting so big, I'm hoping she will still have room to move! She is getting big! I feel pretty crappy!

My how a month and a half brings change!

I did not realize its been this long since I last posted! I read my last post and my, a lot has happened!

Stemming from the last post, yes,I did teach Zumba that night. I had a huge class and went balls to the wall! Well, that ended up being my last class! I started feeling really funny after class and noticed on going contractions. I ended up in Labor and Delivery the next morning getting contractions monitored. I was only 26 weeks and 1 day along. I had to be at the hospital alone because dad was working, as with everyone else. Its was the scariest and loneliest experience. They put me on activity restrictions afterwards and I haven't been the Zumba queen since...

I also went through a very serious bout of depression. It was so severe, my Dr wanted me to go to the ER for immediate help. Everything happened all at once too. I literally didn't want to live. I was second guessing pregnancy and even myself. I've not Felt that much despair and pain ever. This has been a very emotional pregnancy.

On top of that, I was having dealings with my dance company and some members. My co-director decided to go and start her own company, in the height of all the madness. It was a huge blow, even though it was in the best interest for each other. I felt I was conspired against by people I ensured my trust in and blamed for someone's lack of personal growth, which killed me. I didn't want to carry on after that. I too noticed lack of respect and integrity for fellow people I thought respected me. It was really hard to go through and a lot of tears were shed. I try to do the best I can each day and give others the honesty, loyalty and respect they deserve. I realized with this experience, I can't give everyone the benefit of the doubt and fully trust in someone, when I have reserved feelings or angst before I make co-op decisions. It was a good learning lesson and my company dance season has now ended! It was too stressful at this time and I needed to focus on my health and this baby. I'm happy to say, I'm so relieved from such burden and love a more simplified life! I AM NOT SUPER WOMAN!!!! I am DONE WITH DANCE POLITICS!! I'm burnt out from trying to make a name for myself and scouting talent, when I get burned in return. I'm done with the cutthroat mentality. I'm done trying to be the best! Its taken too much time and energy away from my family. Dance will always be a part of my life in ways but I'm currently retired!!

Now that I'm feeling much better and mentally stable, life is good! I have little challenges that arise but they always go away. I'm busy taking care of a family and getting ready to bring my baby girl into the World! We financially struggle, have been sick, worry if we will get the baby gear we need, cram our way through school and have one car to share... But we are warm, safe, happy, healthy and have family and friends that love us!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A ROUGH night...

I seriously had one of the hardest nights to date last night... it was...well, I'll explain myself:

I deal with crazy indigestion and heartburn being pregnant. I basically have to sleep sitting up, along with taking heartburn medicine 2 times per day. I also have to take something to help me sleep. PLUS, I have serious Thoracic back and hip pain. It's a battle daily, especially at night. Last night trumped them all, however! I was getting ready for bed and experienced vertigo. I instantly stood up and needed to vomit! I vehemently upchuck my dinner and meds. I then feel super nauseous. I took an anti-nausea pill and go to bed, hoping to sleep it off. I woke up about every hour, in extreme hip and back pain. I was tossing and turning constantly, moving pillows around and trying to get rid of the 'squeak' in my down pillows (YES! They squeak. Its so annoying!) A few hours later, I take the other half of my nausea pill because I'm still nauseous. I felt like I had air bubbles stuck in my chest all night long. I take antacid chews and a swig of milk. Then I get unbearable heartburn. I was on fire! I get up, swig more milk and Hope to sleep. Now my back is burning in such pain, I cannot get comfortable! I couldn't sleep on my sides or my back. It was worthless to even sleep! I did NOT sleep AT ALL! So, finally, I get up at 7 am, miserable. My stomach still hurt! Bless Boricua's heart, he took the kids to school this morning so I could rest. It was probably one of the most uncomfortable nights EVER! I'm STILL a little nauseous and in a lot of back pain! And tonight I have to teach Zumba...can I do it???

The music...

Hey everyone! I absolutely love music. I do have my music list but it MUST BE UPDATED!! It's so old! If it annoys you, I'm sorry! I hope it's not too much to scroll down and turn it off!

I'm updating my music TODAY!


Monday, November 7, 2011


They have such distinct personalities...


Me at 25 weeks...
Living in this crazy world has inhibited my time to write on my blog for quite some time! So much has gone on! For one, my 2 boys are older and changing. Prince is in 1st grade and Wise is in Pre-K full time! They are big boys now, who love Ipods and video games. (Yah, my 4 1/2 year old loves and uses his Ipod!) They can make their own corndogs, waffles and wipe their own butts! Yes, I went there!

BUT NOW...we have another addition coming to the V Family. A little girl! She is expected to arrive February 12th, a very significant day. Its the same day Boricua and I were married. She's a special little one. One: it being a GIRL, two: it being planned and three: it's our last baby. I had a miscarriage just two weeks before she was concieved too! I wont sugarcoat anything; this has been the most miserable pregnancy ever. Ive been sick since day one, I have serious digestive issues, I have chronic back pain, hip pain and migraines. To boot, my having Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome does not help. I'm barely 7 months along and already feel my lung capacity has decreased. I'm so uncomfortable! What has been the hardest of hard to deal with is DEPRESSION! It's at times unbareable. I have been on an SSRI for awhile now but it doesn't seem to do much. Recently, my Dr. switched meds and I'm in a big, body & mind, shocking transition. I'm feeling helpless and hopeless. I cry often, get upset easily, have lack of motivation and even sometimes feel suicidal. I'm at this point where I'm mad I'm pregnant and don't want anymore kids! The pain is just too much to handle sometimes! I feel like such a bad mom and everyone in my life deserves someone better. Nonetheless, I force myself to carry on, do my duties and laugh at any chance I get. I often tell myself, "It could be worse!"

Boricua is over the moon for this baby. I feel like he's forgotten about me as an individual and sees me as the holding tank for his daughter! LoL. It's never, "How are you doing today", it's, "How's my little baby girl doing today". My reply often is, "She's fine, I guess." I dont know what else to say! She's still in there, sleeping, kicking and growing! I'm still miserable! Nothing changes! Since she cannot talk, I assume she's happy as a clam! She's in a warm and cozy place, feeding off my blood supply and expending all of my energy....just what a fetus is supposed to do! Lately I've felt that's it's just a foreign object taking over my body! I'm too miserable to feel happy and excited. I carry a huge sense of guilt for feeling that way too. I'm fat, sick and can I possibly be happy right now?

In the end, I love her and love my family. My boys are excited to have a sister and Boricua couldn't be happier. I just need to get through these last few months and the postpardum period. Then hopefully feel normal again!!

Friday, February 4, 2011

GreetingS from the V FAM'

We have been so darn busy!! It's hard to stay updated with everything!! So until then, here is some picture greetings from us!!