Wednesday, November 7, 2007

I guess I'll keep posting...

Even if no one's reading! I'll do it for myself...because it's good to 'journal' sometimes.
I took a few of my friend's advice and it kept me on here. I'm not doing this for attention. I just felt like my sill y blog was a waste of time yesterday. But then I realized how much I enjoy typing things that happen throughout my day on here. It's my only time for ME.
Well, I'm here on my computer. My feet are cold. Due to the poorly insulated windows and the cool breeze is coming through my home. My house is an utter disaster and I'm too lazy to get going. There's cookie crumbs everywhere and beloved spit up marks. I made my Chocolate Chip Banana Muffins today and still need to clean up after myself. I was disappointed because they didn't bake right. My oven is old and they were browning too fast on the top and stayed mushy on the bottom. These muffins are to die for too. They're TOO delicious. I wasn't happy about that. I REALLY need new baking pans. Mine are cheap tin ones and I LOVE to bake. I'd bake over cook any day. If anyone has some good, sturdy ones that they don't need, let me know! I'll buy them! I'll post which ones I really NEED and maybe I'll strike it lucky.
Dang, my feet are really getting cold.
I think I hear Wise waking up from his nap...darnet! He has had the worst runny nose, rosy cheeks and know what that means? Right? He's probably teething. He's not too interested in eating either. Just chewing on things.
Prince won't go potty in the toilet. He'll sit on his potty seat and that's about it. I'm trying!!! He's very stubborn!
Boricua has a virus. I probably gave it to him. He was up last night, throwing up. He has the runs today and feels like garbage. I'm surprised he went in to work today.
Speaking of work, I don't have one day off this week. I'm teaching every single day this week. Monday-Sunday. Yes, Sunday. I have to work on a solo I'm choreographing for a student. This completely sucks.
Boricua has Thursday and Friday off and we were hoping to go to New York this weekend but my butt has to teach. When can we have a break?


Emily Snow said...

My baby got a break from the teething for about six days...then it started up again tonight. I think he's working on #5. That will be #5 in less than two months. Today he has drank less than 4 oz of formula. He'll eat the baby food but refuses to drink, I'm sure because it hurts too much. Poor kid!

dust and kam said...

I love blogging too. I doubt many people read it besides my family, but it is still fun to "journal". And if someone wants to check up on us occassionally... then it works out great!

I love baking too!! Speaking of baking, I have a lot to do this week as far as baking. We are having our family Thanksgiving on Sunday and I have 4 pies to make and some dips and some veggies(corn, beans (in my own special way of course)), etc. I am excited!!

Sounds like a busy week for you!! Have fun working!!

Hope your baby and hubby get feeling better!! That is crappy!!