Saturday, November 10, 2007

Work 7 days straight

Well, tomorrow will be my first day off from teaching in a week. I've had no break. Even if I'm teaching one class that night, I'm still working. It's been crazy! I teach 2 classes on Monday, 2 on Tuesday, 1 on Wednesday(hallelujah), 4 on Thursday, solo work Friday, 2 Saturday and solo work Sunday. It's insane but I love it. I get exercize every single day! I just bought a new skirt and it an EXTRA SMALL!!!! I tried on a dress and it was a 3!!!!!! How exciting huh! I'm getting there. But still a ways to go. My butt is so flabby. I eat like CRAP sometimes too.

I found my new guilty pleasure! CALIFORNIA TORTILLA. I love that place. I like everything there. Especially chips and queso. I addicted. I need to go to CQA meetings... if they exsist.

I can't believe Thanksgiving is just weeks away and we may not have one! I have no idea what we're doing. Sad huh.

Check out Swanson Health products online. WE just got alot of wonderful supplements! I got this AWESOME Whole Food Mutliple Vitamin. It's loaded with greens. Check out the Amino Acid, L-Carnitine. It helps convert fat into energy. Always take your EFAs! Flax,fish and Borage. All of the Omegas. Studies have shown that EFAs can help reduce cellutlite!!! Of course you need to do your daily cardio as well!

Welp, I"m off to go play the game Elefun with my kids. Until later!


Anonymous said...

I know how you feel about working all the time - except I don't have any kids so it's probably much harder for you!!

Unknown said...

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