Monday, November 5, 2007


I was thinking tonight and realized how grateful I am for The Priesthood. I am so glad to have a husband who has that authority and he has the ability to help others through the Power of The Lord. It's really amazing.
Boricua was able to help give a blessing to our friends daughter, who is very sick. He was very happy to do it for them and there was no questions asked. He knew he had to do it.
It was actually the FIRST blessing of the sick he's given EVER! So, it's pretty monumental!
For those of you who don't know, Boricua is a convert to the LDS church. He's still learning but grasps onto it firmly. It's inspirational.

I use the word 'really' alot. I need to read more books and brush up on my grammer. I'm turning dumb. haha.