Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Baking Pans

Here's a list of ones I need:

1.Cupcake/muffin tins. 24 count preferably.
2.Cookie sheets. Small, medium and large.
3.Cake pans. Round, 13x9 and 8x8.
4. A bundt pan. I don't even have one!

Who's used the silicone ones? Are they any good?

I'm asking Santa Clause for new sauce pans. I got some last Christmas off I thought they were a really good set. They were the 5 piece Phyleron non-stick set. They are rusted through and peeling non-stick crap. I was very disappointed! They were a 200.00 $ set. I've already thrown away one of them. It was too rusted to use. Boo Hiss. I would like a stainless steal set. I don't like non-stick! That stuff peels off!

My baking set and pans are a pitiful collection.


dust and kam said...

I wish I had some to send to you, but I am lacking in the baking pan department as well! As far as frying pans and sauce pans... I LOVE my Bialetti pans! They are the best I have ever used. I have had them 4 years and they still seem like they are brand new. And I use them nearly everyday. I LOVE them!! :)

jlk said...

I do not like silicone. I just returned a set yesterday. Things stuck, the pans were flimsy, they were a pain! I've heard other people like the, but not me.

As far as non-stick pans go, the non-stick should never come off. Some obnoxious tips are: Never use a fork or anything metal, as it will scratch the pan. Never wash pan while hot, that will damage the non-stick. Never use a steel-wool scaper, only use sponges and things that a non-abrasive. I know QVC has good pans, at good prices, and they have a lifetime warrenty, were you can return them if they become damaged and get a new product, or your money back. I am so white trash -- I love QVC!

dust and kam said...

I forgot to tell you my opinion on silicone baking dishes... but i pretty much agree. I have a few different items and I pull out my regular pans before I use the silicone ones. They are just such a mess to clean and they are hard to work with. I have one that is mini bread pans. I never use it. Seems like I make a bigger mess and have a more difficult time when I use them.

Well there is my opinion now that you have already made up your mind! :)