Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Here are some strengthening exercises you can do at home:

Get in the push up position.(The man way, not the girly way)
Instead of lifting with your hands, get on your elbows.
Now hold your body up. Tighten your glutes and abductors.
Hold for 30 seconds.
Lift one leg up, keeping foot flexed and squeeze the glutes. Hold for 10 seconds.
Repeat on other side.
Now rotate the leg out and bring it back in. 5-10 reps. Repeat on other side.
Release. Stretch the arms(triceps, biceps), glutes and quads(legs).
You'll be amazed how much you can get out of this simple exercise!

BOOTY PLIES(plee-aes)
Stand up. Feet shoulder width apart. Lift up, holding in your abductors. Relax the shoulders and keep hands at the waist. Turn your feet out and bend the knees. Make sure your knees are over your feet(you wont see your feet when you plie) and your hips are tucked underneath you(you're not sticking your butt out when you bend). Squeeze your inner things and gluteals. Bend down 2 counts and up 2 counts. 50 reps(build up as you gain more endurance) and hold the last one for 20-30 seconds.
You'll get a bootyfull bottom in no time!
Tune in for next weeks Workout Wednesday!


jlk said...



Seriously? 30 seconds? Then keep going?
