Wednesday, October 24, 2007


I had a migraine headache, AGAIN, all day yesterday and didn't post anything. I went to bed @ 10:oo pm, which is very early for me. I felt awful and my body was so jacked form all of the pain relievers and caffeine I ingested. I hate doing that but I was desperate. My migraines are off the charts. Thanks to Fibromyalgia. I'm a big, fat mess. I schlep around the house all day, groggy and messy. It's no fun. I did have a few visitors yesterday! My visiting teachers came by and we chatted for an hour! It was nice. Her daughter and my son played together. Then, my other friend from church came by to drop off a birthday invitation for her son this Saturday. Aw, I wish I could see her more. I did go and teach two dance classes as well. Dance helps get my mind off things. I couldn't feel my pain due to the endorphins pumping through my body. Then my headache would come right back afterwards. If it weren't for dance, I don't know what I'd do!


Anonymous said...

Sarah will you PLEASE let me do an MRI of your head, just to be 100% there is nothing physically wrong? You worry me!