Monday, October 22, 2007

Monday Munch Night

Don't you think he's lookin' more like his momma?

Tonight was our munch night at Chef Lin's Chinese Buffet. A BUFFET? You ASK? Well, it's cheap, all you can eat and not too shabby for a Chinese buffet! We coincidentally ended up there on Monday evenings, so we've made it a family tradition. We were famished and tired!

I taught my regular jazz class tonight and subbed for a teacher that was sick. Well, the ambitious teacher that I am, we stretched like gumbi and did some KILLER strengthening exercises. My arms felt like spaghetti. We did 'The Plank' pose for at least 2 minutes straight! Try it! It'll kick your butt. I decided that I want to gain more flexibility and strength. Even though I'm not planning on making a career of dancing. I want to TEACH and make a career of choreographing but I think my dance biological clock has passed ticked! I'd love to dance professionally but I don't have time for it. You have no idea how many hours those dancers but into their training. You can't get good like that overnight. Dance becomes their life and well, my family is my life now. But it's alright. Things will work out in their due time. I'll post good strengthening exercises every WEDNESDAY. Be on the look out!! I have some good ones!