Saturday, October 20, 2007

I found my glitch...

For awhile now, I at times reflect on the person I am. I'll often observe the other mothers in my ward(church) and compare myself to them. It's so silly, I know but I think most women do this. Let's admit it ladies! It's always the women in my ward because we share alot of very important things in common. Alot of them sew, quilt, do scrap booking,etc... ya know, crafty things. They go to all of the church activities and attend church on a regular basis. They cook dinner every night and bake goods for others. They're all BYU alumni and love reading novels. HAHAHA. I'm NOT directing this to anyone specifically. Alot of the women I find myself in comparison has those wonderful qualities. They are wonderful! I'm so happy for them. But guess what?? I'm not like that! I'll tell myself, " Jeez! I need to be more like that! I better go buy a sewing machine and become a Republican! " It's not who I am though. I've gotta remember that. I forget at times. I have different qualities. I use my creativity through dance and envision cute outfits in my head. I love to blast hip hop music and jive around. I love Reality TV. I love Celebrity Gossip...sad to admit! haha. I'm not a BYU grad! I'm not even done with College yet! I was 8 months pregnant when I was married and I'm still dealing with that consequence! This is me! It's who I am! I love to sleep and where scrubby clothes all day! I love to be loud and have Lot's of Gay friends! I don't cook dinner every night and send homemade lunches for Boricua to work! Our Family Home Evening is going to the Chinese Buffet! I have a job that pays me but I'm still a full time mother. I am not that scripture literate. I don't read everyday. But when I do, it's non-fiction books. Mostly books about human behavior and the Mind. I've got alot of other unique qualities. My glitch is; I'm not traditional. My talents are different and that's a beautiful thing. I'm very grateful for who I am and who the women I look up to in my life.


jlk said...

Stop comparing yourself to me. I know I'm awesome....

Just kidding. I think you are great the way you are!

dust and kam said...

You are great! I love that you are different and not traditional. I don't see myself as traditional either. I like being different.