I've had two babies now and as you can see, it wrecks your body. Hence being a nasty, stretchy mess! I don't think I turn him on anymore. I think I turn him off! I mean, how could you
love cellulite, stretch marks and hemorroids?? C'mon now!! It's just a disgrace! hahahaha. I'm only 24 and look so beat up already! I wish I never eally cared but it's hard not to when your sig other checks you out and silently cringes! Or when he jiggles the butt and says it's big or this is better; it starts at the middle of my back! He'll squeeze Wise's cute baby cellulite and say, " You have cottage cheese like your momma! Now I know where you got it from! " I love it. It makes me feel so sexy. hahahaha. Not.
If you haven't noticed, I'm frustrated with him tonight. Boricua, "Get ta' BED!" (hahaha, inside family joke!!!!!!)
Hey Soosie! I am a friend of JLK's and I was looking at her #300 post and got curious about your blog (since you said now it's your turn to post on my blog). Anyways, I like your honesty and way of thinking. I'm also not into a lot of the things that my peers are into but I still admire the things that they like and sometimes wish I could be more like them, but I am who I am! I moved from Frederick two months ago and moved to Germany, but we'll be back in two or three years. You can check out my blog if you like--I think you'll like the format that I selected :) (when I first glanced at your blog I thought maybe I had hit my blog button instead!)Take care!
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