Monday, January 14, 2008

Self Assembly SUCKS!

Prince got a Coloring Castle for Christmas from Grandma Ramirez(my mother-in-law). I finally decided to pull it out of the box and set it up for him. I have never been so frustrated...ever... The assembly instructions were just pictures. The pieces weren't numbered with the pictures, so you had to figure what goes where on your own. It took a few trial and errors. On top of that, I had jumping, screaming babies crawling on me. I finally put Wise in his playpen and he screamed the whole time. I was snapping at Prince because I was so frustrated with this stupid castle. But alas, I got it up and Prince is having a ball in his 'house'! He's already started to decorate it with is new crayon and marker at set. Now, with where we're going to store it...
It was a great gift anyway. Thanks Grandma!


dust and kam said...

That looks like so much fun!! And you did a fabulous job putting it together! :)