Tuesday, January 8, 2008

My Migraines

I have very severe and chronic Migraines. They last for days and not much alleviates the pain.

I take every kind of pain reliever there is and nothing works.
I now have to take a muscle relaxer. It's awful.
I do have Fibromyalgia. That triggers my migraines.
I'm debilitated by them. They're just horrible.
My goal for this year is to get my health issues under control. I need to visit a Chiropractor on a regular basis and get a massage about every other month.
I need to change my sleeping pattern and watch my caffeine intake.
I guess I'll go for the caffeine free Diet Coke now!

I did go to bed early last night but still woke up with a pounding (literally, pounding) headache.
It's pretty terrible!
But I'll deal...


dust and kam said...

Ouch! I hate headaches!! I get migraines too! But they haven't been bad lately. (Thankgoodness) But I did have a headache for two months straight. Thankfully getting new glasses alleviated it.

I feel for you! I hope you find something that works! SooN! Migraines are miserable!

Anonymous said...

Sarah, please let me scan your brain! Just to be sure there's nothing wrong. My co worker gets them all the time and she takes some sort of prescription drug for them...I feel so bad for you both!

Emily Snow said...

I agree you should get the scan! I get them occasionally but they usually just ruin one day of my life and I respond to medication. So I think my migraines are in a different category than yours.

I hope you find answers (and solutions) to those migraines this year!