Monday, December 17, 2007

He's 9 months!

Wise was 9 months on the 13th.
We went to his well baby visit and he is only 16.3 lbs and 27.5 inches long.
I got the 'talk' from the doctor, saying I need to feed him more...
I don't know why he's so tiny. He eats like crazy. He still breastfeeds about every 4 hours and eats solids 3-4 times a day. What more do I need to give him? He's just a small guy.

Wise's 4 teeth on top have all come in at the same time. He has a total of 6 teeth so far. He's been a miserable baby and wakes up about every 2-3 hours at night. I feel sorry for his mom...
He can stand up without any support and stay standing for at least 10 seconds. He stands alone all of the time. I have a feeling he'll be walking very soon...nooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!
He shakes his head 'no'. He yells when he's frustrated. He baby babbles all of the time. He touches and puts everything in his mouth. He's into everything and spits up all day, everyday! It drives me crazy. He hasn't outgrown the spitting up yet. I'm cleaning up throw up all day long. Trust, I've tried everything to get him to stop. It doesn't work.

Well, 3 months of breastfeeding left for me! YAY! I might wean a little sooner. I'm tired of being a milk machine. I feel like I've been doing it for almost 3 years straight. I breastfed Prince 'til he was 12 months, then got knocked up AGAIN 3 months later. So, it's felt non-stop since 2005. It's going to be a liberating day!

These next 5 years will be liberating as well...because I'll have NO BABIES!! Hooray! And trust me, I cannot get pregnant right now. It'd be medically impossible. I'm plugged for the time being! Hooray!!


Emily Snow said...

I hate those talks that doctors feel like they have to give...but it sounds like Wise eats a ton, so I really don't think you can do anything else for him.

My oldest son, was a chunky baby with a great appetite (just like my baby, Toby), but when he turned 1, he got sick and never ate the same ever again in his life. He lost four pounds in two months, which is a lot for a 24-pound baby! Anyway, over the next two years, he gained a little weight, but very little. He was scrawny, you could see his ribs. Fast forward another two years and he has filled out...even with some "extra". Well, I know it's not exactly the same thing but I can sort of relate. It sounds like you're doing a great job--try not to worry too much!

Here's wishing that the "9-month mark" will be the magical one for the decrease of spitting up, just like it was for Toby! I was like you, I tried everything, but nothing really "worked".