Wednesday, December 5, 2007


It's snowing! I think only a few inches though. People get in a panic out here! It's hilarious. I wonder if they'll let school out two hours early...

I'm a Utah girl. I lived in the Mountains. I am used to dumps and dumps of snow. School was only closed once when I was growing up. And that was only because it snowed about 5 feet and the streets were covered. We sled off our roof that day! Yes, there was THAT much snow! I also remember going trick or treating one year in about 3 feet of snow. We were wearing our big coats and boots over our costumes! It was funny. There's something about Utah snow though... it's powdery and fluffy. Not wet and dense like here. Maybe that's why Utah's slogan is, " The best snow on Earth ".
My mom called me the other morning. She said there was a good amount of fresh powdery snow and the skies were clear. Everyone went skiing. My mom didn't but she was dying to go. I sure miss those Winter days. There's nothing better than being surrounded by large, snow capped mountains. It's breathe taking were my mom lives. She lives right by Little Cottonwood Canyon. The mountains are right in your face. It's awesome. I really miss home...


Emily Snow said...

My in-laws must live very close to where your mom does...because that's exactly how I explain where they live! In fact, James and I got engaged at Snowbird!

I, too, am a Utah girl. Your comments about Halloween brought back memories. I remember almost every Halloween having wonderful costumes, only to have to wear my big heavy coat over them!

jlk said...

That's why Maryland is the best place to live. It's rarely cold on Halloween! That, and snow days.

But, I do get what you mean about going skiing. I miss that, too.