Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Roger that...

Prince is still broken out in Hives. They seem to go away and come back. He is going to see his Pediatrician this afternoon. I'm nervous to give him his dose of Antibiotics! But it seems he's breaking out in the hives anyway. I have no idea what is going on... he's never had an allergic reaction to anything before. We'll see what the verdict is.

My ailment was just a virus. I know when I have Strep. I get very very sick with it. And yes, I threw out my toothbrush right after I found out I had it. That was the first thing the Doctor told me to do! Or it'll come right back! I still feel pretty crappy but I'm slowly coming out of it. I'm just really really really tired of this all. I can only handle so much. I will be very happy when we are all healthy again. Then maybe we can try to celebrate my Birthday.

Roger that...