Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Around 3 am Monday, I felt my throat hurting on the left side. I was a little worried, since Mater had Strep Throat a week before and I've been watching him for a few weeks. I then woke up Monday morning and felt a big truck of yuckys dumped into my body. My left side of my throat hurt, my lymphs were swollen, I was running a fever and had a horrible headache. Egh, I felt awful! It didn't feel like allergies or a little virus. I felt different because a week before that, I had massive Allergies and it felt nothing like that. I decided I'd wait it off. I don't go to the Doctor unless I absolutely HAVE TO. Well, come Monday evening, I was a mess. Both sides of my throat suddenly hurt like heck, my body was aching, I was shivering, having chills, a headache, nausea and very lethargic. I knew I was coming down with a Strep infection. I had it twice when I was little and I felt just like I did when I was little...except I didn't have my mom and dad to take care of me. I didn't get one ounce a quality rest last night. On top of Motrin, Tylenol and ALka seltzer, I was running a high fever all night, that led me to having insane dreams. Any small movement put my body in immense pain. I was up all night vomiting and dry heaving~ since I had nothing else to puke up. I had a hard time keeping any pain relievers down. I even started feeling a tinge of blood in my throat. I was shivering terribly and my body hurt so bad. Now my throat was so swollen and hurt so bad, I could barely talk or swallow. When I was awake, I was hearing and seeing things due to my fever. I keep on hearing people knocking on walls ans yelling. Then I'd see green and orange shadows running around. It was bazaar. High fevers will make you temporarily insane! I am not kidding you, I felt so horrible, I wanted to die! I'm serious! I'd mumble out every few hours, " I need to go to Doctors... I need to go.." But nothing was happening. I rolled out of bed @ 1:30. I took my Tylenol and Motrin concoction. It took the edge of my pain and broke my fever. I lied around, miserable, not able to eat and irritable. I could barely talk. Finally, by 3:30, I told David I couldn't deal anymore and made him take me to the ER.
Well, it's a good thing I went! I had such a severe case of Strep Throat! My tonsils were covered in white puss and My throat was almost swollen shut. They pulled out the big guns on me too. I had to get a THICK and MASSIVE shot of Penicillin in my butt. It was PAINFULLL!! OUCH! I asked if I could just take it in pill form and they said I couldn't. I needed something more aggressive and immediate. Then I had an oral steroid I needed to take for my throat to reduce the swelling. I was told it was pretty darn severe and it was a good thing I came in or my throat would've closed up! Seriously, I felt like death. I knew it wasn't the Flu or Allergies.

I just couldn't believe how FAST this bacteria worked on me. In one day, I was covered in white puss and swollen.
Hopefully this will be my last case of STREP THROAT because it has been absolutely WRETCHED!


Emily Snow said...

You "felt like death"? Sounds like you were five steps from it! Glad you made the trip out to the ER in the middle of the night girl!

Get better soon!

dust and kam said...

Sheesh! That does not sound like fun. :P

Hope you are feeling better!