Wednesday, April 2, 2008

What an APRIL FOOLS...

I'm not fooling either!!!!
I was teaching my hip hop class to my 8 year olds. I was showing them how they needed to skip in their dance, over did the skip and rolled on my rigth foot as I landed! All you heard was a big 'CRACK'!!! I though I just twisted it. So I stood up to walk it out and I couldn't walk on it!! Then I tried again and it was worse!
I started getting sweaty and nauseous...then I knew something was up. But was still in denial up until the doctor told me I broke it! I laughed when it happened but of course, was in alot of pain! It was pretty strange! Of all things, I BREAK my foot (The 5th Metatarsal bone, to be exact) SKIPPING!! SKIPPING, and I'm a dancer! I've never broken a bone up until now!
So, my Podiatrist said is not a very good break but it could be much worse. I'll be on crutches for the next 3 weeks and in a boot cast for 6-8 weeks! I wont be able to bare weight on it for a month!!!! Mind you, I have two small children, I can't drive and I have to walk up 3 flights of stairs to get to my house!
We'll see how this all works out..... Let's pray it does!
Gosh darnit!! I'm so irritated about it! GRRRRR!!!!!!!


dust and kam said...

I wish I could at least babysit for you!! :(

jlk said...

Oh no, oh no! Seriously, let me help you.