Thursday, April 17, 2008

A typical day...

It's not a time to stop and smell the pretty April flowers rightnow....we have no time! 2008 will be an unforgetable year for us!

Here's a sampl eof my typical day right now:

Boricua leaves for work around 6:15 am
The children wake up around 7:45 am and I yell at Prince for about an hour to go back to bed but then finally give in around 9 am.
I put my cripple boot on, use my cripple canes and hop on into the boys room.
I balance with one leg and get Wise out of his crib. He's screaming and clinging onto my leg because he wants milk but I'm weaning, so he can't.
Wait...What's that smell? Ah-ha! It's poopy diapers! and notice it's plural!
Well, I first hobble myself to the b-room, take care of business and hobble to the nearest set of baby wipes.
I first fight to get Prince to get changed...he usually wins because he can run and I can't.
So, I go for Wise...he wins too because HE can run.
I crawl around on my newly callused knees and catch one of them!
After 20 minutes, I get their diapers changed.
Prince is asking for Candy and Chocolate Milk.
Well, he gets no candy but we compromise for french toast sticks.
I roll around on my computer chair to make them breakfast.
I attempt getting them to eat at the table...I loose.
They make a mess all over the floor.
I can't vacuum and I'm too I try to go lay down!
So, we take baths and get dressed. That takes about an hour.
By this time, it's noon..already.
I check my email...while Prince is pulling on the chair or terrorizing his little brother. I can't pull him off because he's more than 5 feet away from me and I just am not fast enough on crutches.
Those darn callused knees HURT...
I become a disciplinarian... more like a mean mom.
WE open the balcony to go out and play but Prince wants to go downstairs... WE can't. I can't hop down the stairs with a 13 mo old in my arms. So, outside is out of the agenda until daddy gets home.
I hear the Disney Channel in the background and The Little Mermaid is on about this time.
I hobble to the kitchen and ask Prince for 5 minutes to bring me the 'black' chair.
I roll around the kitchen, trying to get some lunch ready for the boys.
I once again try to get them to eat at the table but once again, they know they can run around due to my immobility.
I check my emails again...I'm really popular, okay...
I finally get to eat but it's crap...well, snack is more like it.
I drink my 3rd Diet Coke...can't survive without it. WHAT? Got a problem with it? ha
The boys are a mess and there's food all over the I clean it up?
I do my best. By this time, I've had it. Hobbling, rolling, hopping and crawling has worn on me.
I this the nap time signal.
I ask Prince to pick up for 15 minutes and he does a little.
I hope to the kids room with Wise in my arms...what a bumpy ride!! I slide him in his crib...oh, gotta find his bo-bo(pacifier)...I look for it! Found it! I give it to him.
I battle with Prince for 20 minutes. He can;t make up his mind about what movie he wants to watch or if he wants something to drink. Finally, we come to a decision after 20 minutes of pure frustration! And TRUST ME! He is RELENTLESS!
I'm pooped out.
I hobble to the couch and turn on the TV....I'm so looking forward to finally relax and elevate my foot. It hurts! Vicodin's calling....but it makes me nauseous..eww.
Prince runs back and forth from his room for a half hour..on a GOOD day. He finally gets tired of it.
I eat, drink and TRY to nap but the messy place is DRIVING MY CRAZY!!!!!! But my foot is killing me!! So, I wait until Boricua gets home and have him help.
Boricua comes home around 4:00 pm.
He UN winds for maybe 15 minutes then the kids wake up. They're demanding and cranky!
It's now time for me to get ready for work.
Boricua gets the kids ready.
It's a half hour battle to go to the car...I hop down stairs, hobble to the car, have to buckle the kids in and make sure we have everything. I get dropped off...David does things with the kids.
He picks me up and helps me to the car.
We come home and it's past 7:oo pm. We try to find something to eat but I have a hard time we're reliant on frozen food...yuck!!! Lately, it's been SUBWAY, which isn't bad.
WE put the kids to bed and that takes a good 45 minutes for our full routine.
Boricua and I spend maybe an hour together talking or watching TV.
He goes to bed, I sure don't.
I'll watch TV, read or get on the Internet.
He's out.
I finally fall asleep on the couch around 12:30 am.
Doesn't it sound like fun?


Emily Snow said...

It WILL get better!