Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Well, as we ALL know(I mean, I've been whining about it for two weeks now!) I broke my foot! The 5th Metatarsal, to be exact. That bone is in the forefooot and the 5th meta is the very last bone below the pinky toe(the bone runs down your foot). I snapped the sucker almost in half, from the bottom up diagnolly. Then I chipped the bone right above it. There's good things and bad things about NOT breaking the bone completely
Here's the bad thing: I CANNOT put any weight on it, whatsoever. Where the break is located, it's right where our foot bends as we walk. If I attempt to walk, I"ll snap that sucker wide open and make the break even worse..thus causing more healing time and PAIN! its the healing time that completely bites! I can handle the pain. Plus, it's nearly impossible to walk on. I tried with my boot on and I couldn't.
The Good thing about it not breaking in half: NO SURGERY!!! And a little less healing time!!So, I will be on crutches for 3-4 more weeks!(hopefully LESS!). I CANNOT bare any weight on it, whatsoever. I asked him if I can even try walk with the weight on my heal and he gave me the NOPE. :( I asked him if I can drive and once again, the NOPE. I will be going in again in two weeks to get my forefoot taped. I'll probably get more xrays, like I did today. I didn't see too much progress with the break. The doctor said the break will open a little more, then start calcifying. I am although calcifying around the bone, as it naturally does. The bone creates like it's own little cast. It's just amazing how our body heals itself, right!! WOW!Through all of this, I have realized how IMPORTANT FEET ARE! I mean, I always knew theey WERE, being a dancer, but man!!!! This is through a whole different perspective!So, I will be in my stylish ski boot until the end of May, about. I WAS hoping to get it off by my birthday but that doesn't look like it's happening! I'll be just getting off crutches hopefully! The break needs to bond together before baring any weight on it.This has been such a trying few weeks and I have so much longer to go!!!You should see my house!! It's a DISASTER!!!!!!!!!! I need maid! ha!


Emily Snow said...

This challenge will one day be funny for you to speak about or you will use it to let some other poor soul know what challenges and trials can be...but for now, it will be a tough period. Hang in there! I wish I could help! You'll be in my prayers!