Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Wise's Birthday

It's less than a month away! I have no idea what I'm going to do! I don't want to do a big party for him but I kind of feel obligated to because we gave Prince a big first birthday party! I'm pretty uuummmm.....on what to do!
Any ideas? I've got to come up with something quick!


Emily Snow said...

I went throught the same thing with Toby. I gave Thomas a big 1-year old party so how could I NOT do it for Toby?

In the end, I didn't do a big one for Toby. Part of it was because I didn't want to find more places for more toys...the ones that were Thomas' are still fine. He got presents from us and presents from his grandparents and my brother and sister. And that was good enough.

It's all a matter of preference though!

Toby's seriously going to have the second child syndrome...I did so much more for Thomas in almost every aspect...kind of sad when I think of it. But, life was easier for me with just one child!