Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A death in the family...

I just found out a few hours ago my grandma passed away. My last one that was living. My grandpa is heartbroken. Of course it's sad. It is when anyone passes away. Even though we all know she is at peace now.
I'm just a little apprehensive because I feel it'd be right to fly out to Utah to attend her funeral and be with my family. But we don't have the money for a ticket rightnow. I feel really bad about it. If I am to be out there during her time of loss, I'm praying the Lord will bless me to find a way to fly out there. I base so much of my decisions and situations on Faith and if it doesn't go my way, I get so disappointed. I wish I wasn't like that. I'm hoping I can accept things with whatever way they go. I just wish and desire so much to go out the Utah.
We'll see.
Rest In Peace Beverly Marie Steele, aka Nana! I admired you and Grandpa! You guys were so much in love!!


Emily Snow said...

I am so sorry. It is rough living so far away. I had the same situation four years ago when my grandpa passed away.

Do you happen to have any family members that travel a lot? Sometimes they can "gift" their frequent flyer miles to buy a ticket.

I remember when I was growing up, my mom had a family member that died (I honestly don't remember if it was her grandma or an aunt or uncle, but she couldn't travel to the funeral because we were too young and she had no one to leave us with, so she went into her room and just had a quiet moment reflecting on the deceased family member. I think she told me she lit a candle (she is Catholic) and said a prayer and said good bye in her own way.

Take care.

losing my needles said...

I'm sorry to hear that, I'm going to be in the same situation. My grandma who lives in UT is not doing well, and I won't be able to afford tickets out when she passes. It'll be hard, and I totally know your pain.

dust and kam said...

I am sorry to hear about your grandma. Love ya!