Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The 'AS IF' Principle...

For those of you who went to BYU, probably already learned about this during Education Week. But I am enlightened by it just now! I think it's Brilliant!
You have the power to change your life by simply doing this: Relentlessly acting AS IF you were strong, humble, patient, confident, meek...etc...whatever you have troubles with, you will eventually BECOME it. It's works in reverse ways too. If you acy AS IF you were a worthless piece of garbage, I'm sorry to say but you will eventually become a piece of garbage. Pretty blunt, huh.
You must be RELENTLESS.
If you will treat your husband(or wife, or yourself, or whoever else) as if he/she posesses a certain attribute, over time he/she will begin to act AS IF he/she posesses that attribute. Eventually, that will become who he/she IS.
Apply it RELENTLESSLY to your life! See if you notice a change! I know I AM!