Wednesday, February 6, 2008

I've packed it on!

Welp, it's just in: I've gained 7 pounds! I weigh more than I did at my 6 week postpartum visit after having Braxton! There's something wrong with this scenario...
Oh wait! It's from all of that Taco Bell and Coldstone Creamery! That'll do it for ya!
It's time to put the smack down on things. No more awesome food and yes more egg whites and tuna fish.
I'll keep you posted on my weight loss adventure!
BTW~ I had bonemarrow removed today. It was the most aweful sensation ever. I'd rather have a baby or get a papsmear! YES! It was THAT BAD. I had it sucked out of each sie of my hips. It was so so horrible. I almost vomited. I get nauseous just thinking of it. My hips hurt and now I'm going to bed!

Catch ya'll on the flip side!


dust and kam said...

I am sure you will lose that 7 pounds fast! Now if I could lose a good 50, we'd all be good!! :) But I have a hard time fighting with my food. blah.

Why did you have to do the bone marrow thing? OUCH! I hope you get feeling better!! That does not sound like fun.

jlk said...

I have seen you in person and you look fabulous. You are still thinner than most of the people I know -- and I know a lot of people!

Why did you have your bone marrow taken? Are you guys okay?

Emily Snow said...

I have never seen you in person, but in pictures, you look great!

I'm with everyone else--what's with the bone marrow extraction??