Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Summer Colds

The boys have Summer colds. This is a first and they have been acceptionally cranky. Especially Prince. He has been such a little pill and I'm finding myself lose patience with his behavior. Lo and behold, I open the new Ensign and read an article about parenting ans 'Love, limits and Latitude'. Boy, I felt like a crappy parent after reading that but I'm glad I read it. It was a great reminder on what my intentions and best interests are as a parent. I'm doing my best everyday and I feel I'm doing well but there's always areas I have to work on. I lose my patience and get frustrated with the naughty, relentless behavior. Oh and the indecisiveness! It kills me. Especially when they're sickies!
So, with these wonderful Summer colds, I've been using the bulb syringe to suck the crud out of their noses. I'm doing everything I can to keep them from getting Ear Infections or any other infections. Because you know that nasty drainage builds up, festers and causes that awesome bacteria to find a home. It's a nasty job and the boys HATE IT(my neighbors probably think I'm abusing my kids) but it's saving us from a trip to the doctor and some antibiotics! It has helped. Plus all moms can't stand a constant runny nose. Atleast I don't!
What can I say? I'm a snot sucker!