Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

Thanksgiving was wonderful! It was the FIRST Thanksgiving I've cooked on my own and the first in our V Fam home! It was a tight squeeze for us all but that's what Thanksgiving is for, eh? There's so much food and family, you don't know how you got it all to fit?! WOW!! Isn't that something to be grateful for?!

I am so grateful for our Church that dropped a LOAD of food to us before Thanksgiving. I ended up with two turkeys! I had no room for them! So, I decided to give one of them to a Family in great need and they couldn't afford a Turkey for Thanksgiving. I felt so grateful and blessed to have had the opportunity to do that with our current situation right now. It was great!

I was very nervous to cook my Turkey. I've never cooked a whole Turkey before. With my nerves aside, I followed my instinct and this bird was by far the best bird I've ever tasted! It was perfection. Tender, moist and flavorful! And the skin was rich and crispy! You didn't even have to cut into the bird! It was Dee-licious. The legs peeled off..no cutting required. And oh my gosh...the gravy turned out FABULOUS. My secret weapon was BEER. Yes, Beer. A good ol' 24 oz of Miller High Life and lots of butter basting!! I lathered that bad bird up in butter. When you lifted it, the juices just oozed and the meat peeled off. I'd say it was a dead on Target grade A job for cooking my first Turkey. Beer, butter, Garlic powder, Onion Powder, Adobo, Paprika and salt will make one happy bird...TO EAT!!

I also made little place settings and found some cute napkins. I made some napkin ties that were festive. It was cute.

I also made garlic ranch mashed potatoes, the best sweet potato casserole, gravy, dream whip jello dessert, stuffing, pumpkin cream pie and banana cream pie.

My brother and sister-in-law came in from Korea to visit! They brought us all of these amazing little gifts from Korea. I got the cutest sets of handmade earings and a traditional Korean jewelry box made with Mother of Pearls. The boys got these really cute bags, fun crayons and puzzles, with that fun and colorful Asian Animation. Boricua got a cool shirt with Korean writing on it and some toe socks(those socks that have outlets for each little toesies! Popular there, since they were flip flops alot!!) It was great. We had a nice traditional laughing extravaganza! That's all we do when we get together! LAUGH LAUGH LAUGH!!

On the downside, I was dealing with a Migraine ALL DAY LONG!! My new medication made me dopey, I was really tired and felt some kind of cold coming on...so I physically felt poopy.

We all had a great time! The kids had a blast, they made a magnificant mess and all of us old hags sat around and did what we do best...laugh.


jlk said...

Looks like a great day! Sorry you weren't feeling well :(

chrisfromneenah said...

Yes, it is always nice to bless others and be apart of something bigger. I thank God he helps me in so many ways. At heywhatever.info, there are a lot of ways we try to help out others. We try to be positive and bring light and truth to a lost world. There are scripture readings. Positive quotes. It sure is nice to have opportunities to make a difference in this world.