Monday, December 1, 2008


The V Fam had a great Thanksgiving in Utah! Believe it or not, we did NOT spend it with my family.! haha..My family is kindof doing a postponed big feast when my little brother comes into town with his girlfriend and then AGAIN when my OTHER brother returns from Asia in January! So, this Thanksgiving, we decided to all go our seperate ways. My mom boycotted this year and said she wasn't going to cook. I didn't feel like cooking in a kitchen that's not my friend invited us over to her house! IT was alot of fun and we spent it with a great family! There were 8 kids and 7 adults total. We laughed the calories off. I had a headache by the end of the night because I was laughing so hard. I'm really grateful for new friends! Never thought I'd find good NEW ones here!! lol.
Thanks Kimball Fam!