Monday, December 8, 2008

Soosie's Christmas wish list

Drum roll.... here it is..because... iiiiizzzz that time a' year again (as my family would traditionally say it)!!!

Here's a few things I really wish for and hoping Santa makes my wishes come true!
1. Philosophy Facial cleansing set
2. Microdermabrasion
3. The Audacity Of Hope
4. More bare Minerals!
5. black boots
6. A nice massage!
...maybe a new house? Too much to ask, no?
7. oh yah, I can't forget a new hand bag...a cool bodacious one.

So, here me out Santa CLaus!!


dust and kam said...

Oooo... I like you list! :)

BTW - Thanks so much for adding my adoption button! You rawk! I need to get you some pass along cards! Did I get your new address?? I can not remember? Anyways, I hope you are having a great Christmas Season!

I miss you! And I miss talking to you! :(