Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Wish me luck!

Tomorrow I have a job interview to be a Kindergarten Assistant for a Private school! It is at the Greek Orthodox Church located minutes away from where I live. It's only 3 hours a day, which is perfect for my schedule. My main focus is being a mom, so I won't work full time. I just need to get some work going, so I can help my family out a little bit rightnow.
I also have a dance teaching offer 2 hours every Thursday and will be covering for my friend's classes next Thursday! The other dance studio has me at the top of their subsitute teaching list. We're going on week two with making no money. It's kind of unnerving!
ON the other hand, Boricua's first job offer didn't offer him enough money. However, if his other job offers aren't competitive, he will go ahead with the original job offer for the time being. He is getting discouraged and I must be the supportive wife. He is extremely bored and we've managed to find alot of time to study! Which is not bad. But it will be once we have no more money! And what about us buying a home? I know things will work out.
Some people think we're big risk takers for making such a huge change during an Economic crisis. The World keeps going and we shouldn't stop doing what we feel is right.
Wish me luck with this job!!


dust and kam said...

Good Luck Soosie! I hope that everything figures it's self out soon! I am thinking happy thoughts and sending them your way! :)

Much Love!