Thursday, October 9, 2008

Pardon my blog overload...

I have blogged several different postings at once!!!!
I was on a whirlwind there for a second..or the past two days!!

Today I've been my hometown. Go figure. Then I open up the new Ensign and read about the Washington DC Converts stories and that made me even more homesick.
Boricua will start work tomorrow and I will be teaching officially next Thursday. Until something better comes Boricua's way, we will be staying at my mom's for awhile. We wont rent and use that money to save. I'm sure we'll be just fine! I just have a hard time starting all over again. Plus we've been sick from the weather change. Wise developed a nasty viral rash all over his legs, spread up his back and a little on is arms. They were little bumps all over his skin. It's clearing up and still around his knee caps. He's had the whole diahrea, runny nose and low grade fever thing too. As for me, I developed a Sinus Infection and my Sinuses became so dry, I was getting bloody noses....the first bloody noses I've ever had in my life!! Craziness! Call me bananas but I've been taking Colloidal Silver( yah, the stuff if you injest too much, your skin turns blue!). It's supposed to be 'Nature's Antibiotic'. It actually has really helped! I'm no longer a skeptic!
I have so many new photos to post but my camera's usp hookup is somewhere in boxes...So until then, enjoy my amazing flood of thoughts!!


jlk said...

Good luck with new jobs! Starting fresh can be hard, but you guys will do great.

I used to get a rash when we went out to Utah as a kid. The climate change be rough.

DanceNplay said...

tha'ts good to know....about the rash...this climate change has been brutal!!!