Sunday, October 19, 2008

Our new Ward

OKAY, first things first! THe good things: BOYD K PACKER is in our Ward. We missed his meeting takeover last Sunday and he personally spoke the whole church meeting.
I found a mother with two small boys my boys ages! We will have playdates!!

Other than that....I am soooo totally ready to move back! I think I heard crickets in Sunday School...where was the opinions and thoughts. I want a Bro Summers or Bro Call. The lesson was always interesting and peoples inputs were even better. I miss familiar faces and all of the KIDS!!! This ward has a small amount of kids. IT's older folks, as the area I'm in is very afluent. So, there's not a lot of young families. They're all very nice and it's a nice's not like the one in my old neck of the woods.

I'll be honest, I'm terribly homesick. I'd pack up and come back rightnow if I had it my way. I miss everything about my old home. Even the summer roaches...haha!!


jlk said...

We miss you, too! I am sure your new ward will grow on you. Elder Packer grew up with my grandparents. He's pretty awesome.

Monson Family said...

Thats great that your boys will have some other kids their age to play with!

Emily Snow said...

Hang in there. When I left my ward in Frederick, I was heart broken too. I'd been there for seven years and thought it was awesome too. Granted, I'm going back in two years, but the people will be different, I'm betting the boundaries will even be changed. But the good news...I LOVE my ward now! It took about 4 months and now I think it's a fabulous ward and know I will miss it when we move from here.