Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Let me Clarify myself...

I appreciate the comments that have buzzed my way and the interest of reading my blogs! Politics are a touchy subject, aren't they? I realized you CANNOT get too wrapped up into it, as it consumes all of your mental energy and as you see on TV or interenet, it stirs up alot of anger. Which is totally not right and I refuse to get angry or wrapped up in one's campaign, to try to prove someone elses beliefs are wrong. I don't beleive in infringing beliefs upon others. I do however believe in being a good example and having morals. I don't belong to any Political group. I don't believe in it and what I worship has absolutely nothing to do with Politics. I believe in having Balance in all things. Not too much of this and not too much of that. It's all about moderation...Just like my diet! haha. Moderation and Balance seems to be disentegrating and ununderstandable. Common Sense in no longer common.

When I get too wrapped up in Politics and heresay, it effects my Spiritual Growth and it becomes very distracting. I'm bombarded with people sending and posting ridiculous things about Barrack Obama and ridiculous things about John McCain. This is the ugliest and dirtiest Presidental Race. NONE of these men set a good example. YOu've got McCain, a very angry man, condesending, wants to go to war with everyone, full of Pride, playboy, Adulterer and party boy. Then Barrack, who has associated with all of these questionable people, supports Gay marriage and other things. I'm still not seeing how he is a Socialist though... I've only seen some of McCain's behavior and ideas seem forceful. I too feel it is a right to have Health Insurance and it must be more accessible for everyone to have. I've been uninsured for years because I can't afford it and we make too much money to get government help. I've owed thousands of dollars in medical bills. As of RIGHT NOW, I have an infection and trying to fight it off naturally; so I don't have to go to the ER and get more medical bills. This year, I've been sick every month and broke my foot and ended up in the ER 3 times(luckily, my broken foot was covered by my employer...BARELY!!!). Guess who's stuck with the bills? It's very frustrating. I can't even go to well care check ups and get my teeth cleaned every 6 months because I can't afford it. And it's not just me who's dealing with this. Millions of Americans are. I grew up in a home, where my mom was self employed and my dad was disabled due to a serious car accident. My family couldn't afford health insurance for me and my siblings and I saw how hard it was for my parents to try to pay for it. We can't afford Boricua's Premiums through his work. ON top of premiums, a good amount goes out of our own pockets. I'm mind boggled by it all. Not everyone lives a financially comfortable life and ALOT struggle, living paycheck to paycheck. Even fellow faithful tithe payers. But don't get me wrong, Obama's idea on giving Health Care to ALL by the Gov't, is nearly impossible. It's overambitious. I feel it MUST be more affordable for everyone!
So, NO, of course I don't believe in Socialism; in other words, Communism. Of course I DON'T condone Same Sex Marriage, as it is unnatural and brings unbalance. OF course I don't believe anyone should go get an abortion at any given time. Leave that up for the States to decide. What we have in set now in our Government, is obvisouly NOT working. There needs to be change but our Government will always be flawed. This Constitution will eventually hang by a thread. I don't know who will bring us this mighty change. I don't believe in individuals having the freedom to do whatever they want. That bring chaos and destruction. Of course there needs to be order but noone should be forced to think and believe in a certain way. Noone should be critisized for thinking differently. Both sides of the Parties can bring forth very very good arguements. My family is very liberal and I have friends that are as well; so I hear both sides. I stand in the middle with it all. Like I said, not too much there and not to much here. Enforce some things yet let there be freedom and our individual rights but of course, suffer for our own consequences. We all need to learn to tolerate and love one another, no matter what. Isn't that what faithful Christians are taught? Not only Christians but nearly all religions.

Sometimes I feel, and I hope that I'm wrong, that some people feel that in order to be a good faithful Member of the LDS Church, you must be a Repulican and think alike. That frightens me and leaves a sour taste in my mouth. I have such a firm testimony of my Savior and his teachings. I strive to do what is right day in and day out. I am eager to gain knowledge and better understand these marvelous tools we've been so blessed with. But my situation and life track is a little different. My family are no longer members of the church. They have different life views and beliefs now, yet they are extremely intelligent and wonderful people. My husband isn't a returned missionary and he is the only Member of the LDS church in his family. He's experienced a completely different view on life and experienced so much more. I was pregnant when I married him. I'm not a graduate from BYU. I have Gay friends and I love them very much. My best friend is Jewish and she is an amazing woman. My other best friend is Agnostic and as sweet as can be. They don't share the same beliefs as me and it's what makes things more interesting. Because we learn new things from one another and gain new respects for things. I've been able to share my beliefs with them and that's a blessing! Ya know, I'm loud, I like loud music, I'm open to learning different things and sometimes I can get a little crude. But I have no doubt, that I am a virtuous woman, who is held on high and my Lord knows that I am doing the very best I can be every living day of my life. I hold my standards sacred.
And if anyone questions my Faith because I'm not a Repulican, than they have some thinking of their own they need to sort out. Like I said, I belong to NO Political Party.