Monday, August 24, 2009

Summer's almost over!

I can't believe Summer's coming toan end already. I didn't do half of the things I wanted to do but accomplished alot at the same time!
Amiss all of the hours of being in the beautiful and bearable heat here in Utah doing yardwork, I didn't do nearly as much of outdoor activities as I intended to do. Personally, I feel the Summer here has been very mild and the first month consisted of non-stop rain.
Our vacation didn't really feel like a vacation. 6 out of the 10 days, we were on the road, driving and miserable. And it ended up to be kind of a BIG HUGE let down.

We didn't get to spend our Summer with MAter. Which was a bummer.
I didn't take advantage of how close the Gateway is to my house and use the fountain for a fun day of play in the water, for free.
I didn't get as tan as I wanted to...but I never do.
We never made it camping.
We never made it boating.
We never made it to Lagoon.
We never made it down to St George and Vegas.
We only went to the pool twice.
We DID remodel our kitchen
We DID get our yard looking nice
We DID get the things we needed to get for our home
And last but not least...I had surgery.
So, the last few weeks of the Summer, consist of rest and recovery from a Laproscopic Umbilical Hernia repair. I wont even be allowed to swim for another 4 weeks. By then, it'll be FALL...
FALL???!!!!! ALREADY??!!!
We've already lived in Utah for nearly a year so far??!!
WOW, where the heCK the does the time go??!! I wish I knew!
PRince officially is enrolled in preschool. He is so excited and he already has a nice new backpack. He'll be going to the Polka Dot Parade Preschool in Centerville, UTah. Which is nice because it's right off the freeway and my house is a block away from the freway! So it takes only a few minutes to get there and Centerville is a very nice area. He'll be going every Tuesday and Thursday form 12:30-3pm. It works perfect with our schedule.
So, Summer's coming to an end and what did the V Fam accomplish?
* A New kitchen w/ new stainless steel appliances
* A mininally invasive surgery with a long and miserable recovery
* And driving all the way across America two times in a 10 day period!!!

How was your summer??!!