Monday, August 31, 2009


I'm feeling alot better! I've been battling a bad case of the flu/cold for the last few days! Other than that, I'm looking forward to getting my tum back into shape and have it not look like ground beef!!!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Post surgery

It's two weeks to the day I had my surgery. IT has been the hardest recovery and sometimes excruitiating! By Monday, I was feeling worse. Then Tuesday, EVEN WORSE! I was going down hill instead of uphill!!! I was running a fever and my abdomen was on fire!! IT was sensitive and hurt to just barely touch my stomach. I had the chills, a migraine, could barely walk and THE WORST RESTLESS LEGS IVE EVER EXPERIENCED IN MY LIFE!!!!!! My arms were painful and restless too. My nerves were twitching like I was a was make light of the whole situation.
Boricua then gave me a blessing Tuesday night and I was given instant comfort. Wednesday rolled around and my fever was gone, my stomach wasn't on fire and my nerves were calmer. My swelling had gone down dramatically and I feel so much more at peace with it all. Now today, it's like night and day with how I feel. I seem to be getting stronger and stronger every day!
So to count one of my many blessings; I'm grateful to have the Priesthood in my home!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Summer's almost over!

I can't believe Summer's coming toan end already. I didn't do half of the things I wanted to do but accomplished alot at the same time!
Amiss all of the hours of being in the beautiful and bearable heat here in Utah doing yardwork, I didn't do nearly as much of outdoor activities as I intended to do. Personally, I feel the Summer here has been very mild and the first month consisted of non-stop rain.
Our vacation didn't really feel like a vacation. 6 out of the 10 days, we were on the road, driving and miserable. And it ended up to be kind of a BIG HUGE let down.

We didn't get to spend our Summer with MAter. Which was a bummer.
I didn't take advantage of how close the Gateway is to my house and use the fountain for a fun day of play in the water, for free.
I didn't get as tan as I wanted to...but I never do.
We never made it camping.
We never made it boating.
We never made it to Lagoon.
We never made it down to St George and Vegas.
We only went to the pool twice.
We DID remodel our kitchen
We DID get our yard looking nice
We DID get the things we needed to get for our home
And last but not least...I had surgery.
So, the last few weeks of the Summer, consist of rest and recovery from a Laproscopic Umbilical Hernia repair. I wont even be allowed to swim for another 4 weeks. By then, it'll be FALL...
FALL???!!!!! ALREADY??!!!
We've already lived in Utah for nearly a year so far??!!
WOW, where the heCK the does the time go??!! I wish I knew!
PRince officially is enrolled in preschool. He is so excited and he already has a nice new backpack. He'll be going to the Polka Dot Parade Preschool in Centerville, UTah. Which is nice because it's right off the freeway and my house is a block away from the freway! So it takes only a few minutes to get there and Centerville is a very nice area. He'll be going every Tuesday and Thursday form 12:30-3pm. It works perfect with our schedule.
So, Summer's coming to an end and what did the V Fam accomplish?
* A New kitchen w/ new stainless steel appliances
* A mininally invasive surgery with a long and miserable recovery
* And driving all the way across America two times in a 10 day period!!!

How was your summer??!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

the kitchen's coming along

The curtains haven't been sewn and hung correctly yet. They're just plopped up on the windows all pinned up. I haven't had time to make my balloon drapery. The tile back splash was put up but NOT grouted yet. We have just the little finishing touches to do. SOme of the hardware is missing, the caulking, the drapes of course, the grouting and the bottom kick boards arent up. Then the glass shelves need to be put in and I need to by my Hermes knock off china to display. OH yah, we have a new ceiling fan to install too. But we're getting close!!!!!! Even with surgeries, work and moms being out of commission, we've managed to stay on top of it!!!
We still have alto to do!!! So good I hope!!

Monday, August 17, 2009


Well, we're going on day 4 after my surgery. I'm glad it was a minimally invasive procedure and fixable. However, post-op has been very hard. It's extremely uncomfortable and painful! Sometimes it feels like my insides are tearing apart! I walk like a cave woman! Meaning; I can't walk upright. That's hurting my back now. Im very swollen BUT the swelling could've been worse if I didn't ice pack it up as much as I do. Since they blew my stomach up with Co2, I've had alot of shoulder pain. I have trouble urinating and can't poop for the life of me...yah, let's not get into that....
I'm doped up on 7.5 x2 lortabs every 4hours. Plus some ibprofen. I'm so doped up on narcotics. This post may not even make any sense when it's all said and done.

So, this laproscopic procedure causes you to become very gassy. But ya can't pass the gas because you can't push it out, or it'll feel like you're tearing your abdomen to pieces. So, ya kinda just sit here, miserable, hoping and praying to fart...yep, pretty much.
The only time I'm capable to do anything, is when I'm narced up on painkillers. Hence, this post, is a product of a Narced up Soosie. I hope it makes sense and I hope you enjoy.
Thanks to all of my family and friends who've helped me out!!!!!
I'll keep you posted.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

A HERNIA????!!!!!!!!!

Lately I've been experiencing ALOT of weird abdominal pain and MAJOR BLOAT! MY stomach looked and felt like I was about 6 months pregnant. I was nauseous constantly and nearly vomited every time I ate. I was feeling icky EVERYWHERE! Then the doctor found a mass in my abdomen! A MASS??!! I went in for a CT SCAN Friday. Saturday rolled around and the pain intensified, started rising up my right shoulder and arm. I noticed my hand starting to swell and become numb...I freaked out! Abdominal mass....CT SCAN..NOW THAT??!! I rushed to the Emergency room and there I received my CT SCAN results. Well, it just so happened I have an incarcerated umbilical hernia that has FAT TRAPPED IN IT! FAT??!! I was a little embarrassed. Does that mean I'm out of shape and chubby??!! So, anyway, this trapped fat inside the hernia was starting to obstruct my bowels and that's what was making me so nauseous and swollen! The CT SCAN also picked up a small follicular cyst on the left side. But that is the least of our worried right now. I go in for surgery on Thursday to repair this hernia and get that small piece of fat outta there. Hey, at least, I'll get um...kind of like...a small lipo type tummy repair type surgery... kinda...WEll..the whole hernia mess was caused from my pregnancies. Not from obesity, not from poor health and not from straining..but from BABIES!!! The doctor said I've always had that small hole in my abdominal wall but since I stayed thin and in shape, it never herniated. Well, now that I've had babies and put on some weight, it's obstructing my bowels! They have to repair it before it strangulates my bowels and kills off a Part of my intestine! SCARRY! EWWW!!! So, I'm in pain and discomfort and will be out of commission for a while. I'll be bed ridden and praying I get the help I need for my boys. It'll be a challenging next few weeks but I'm SO GRATEFUL it's nothing more serious! I thank the Lord for that.
Wish me luck!