Monday, March 9, 2009


Bare with my neglect to write and allow me to recap! Pretty please??!!

Well, first, I didn't blog about my 4 year wedding anniversary! GASP!! How dare I??!! It was already nearly a month ago since then! Well, this year, we took NO photos but had a FULL day of pampering at the day spa. I had a nearly two hour long pedicure but before that, I enjoyed an hour long seaweed back massage. After my marathon pedicure, Boricua and I enjoyed a partner facial. We were GLOWING afterwards. Of course we couldn't pass the day by without some dessert..and no not that kind of dessert..we had cheesecake! From the Cheesecake Factory! Then, our day was over by 6 pm and my brother re-welcomed us with our kids. That was that. Another year older and another year wiser...or so how the cliche goes.

We were then informed of a visitor who's coming to stay with us until he starts school. Well, that visitor has since taken alot of my mental energy. Not because he's a bad kid but because he's a teenager. He likes to see how far he can bend the rules before the rule stick snaps. It's only turned into me snapping and not the rule stick.

We have a GREAT Ward. The youth love 'chillin' at our house...but then again, I found out one of the young men was afraid of me! ME??!! Lil' old Soosie? No!!! Well you know, I did have a right to be irritated when I came home from teaching, my house was full of teenagers, my kids weren't being watched and they were on my computer! I think any parent can relate!

I'm still trying to get the decor done to my house...since the pictures, things have been done or added..'nuff said.

The boys brithdays are coming up and Wise's happen's to fall on Friday the 13th this year. Oh dear.

Boricua and I will speak in Sacrament Meeting for the first time this month. I opted for him to speak on HUMILITY and SELF CONTROL...because he likes to get haughty and arrogent at times..oh dang! You didnt' hear that from me!!

YES! I finished my chair. You can see photos on my Facebook account. It's super cute.
Other than's same ol' same ol' in Soosie-ville, aka DancNplay's land!
