Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The ANNUAL BOYS birthday party

Wise and PRince's Birthdays are two weeks apart and we decided to do a combined birthday party! I always ask myself why I do it because it's such a pain in the butt to prepare but it always turns out to be ALOT OF FUN!
It was CHAOS! Pure and UTTER chaos! Trying to regulate both of the boys when opening presents, um ,crrazy. But good crazy! WE had are family a few very close friends come and join us. Of course we partied it up YO GABBA GABBA style! That's my boy's favorite show! And oddly enough, some of the parents didn't even know what Yo Gabba Gabba was!! GGGAAASSSPPP!!! Why, it's only the best kids show on TV! I guess the moms are Disney fans but dog gonnit, watch Nick JR sometimes! Yo Gabba Gabba is the most creative and hip show. The V Fam loves it. Nonetheless, we exposed all of our party harty guests to the coveted YO GABBA GABBA.
Heaven forbid I did major decorations. BLAGH. I did do super goody bags! I used blue paper sack bags and attatched the head and arms to each bags with the characters of the show. They were really cute. Then I did some cut outs, had the themed plates and cups. IT was super duper.

But alas, NO BIG parties next year!!!!