Wednesday, June 18, 2008

RIP desktop

MY beloved desktop is officially done-zo.
Boricua thought it needed a new power supply. Little did he know, it needs a new motherboard. My sweet desktop...with all of my pictures and music in's not lost but I can't get to it until we have our new mother we call board.

We've had several power surges that past few weeks with the storms. Boricua was always sure to completely unplug the computer before a storm. We then realized our power went in and out in the middle of the night...he was telling me something about spikes and what left our computer to kabooie. I am so sad. Hopefully Boricua can get a smash deal at work with products that have been sitting around and need to be sold at any price!

So, folks, always unplug your entire computer during a storm. Or you will fry your computer!