Monday, August 25, 2008

The Roaches have left.

Well, since I had my yelling match with the Rental Manager, some of the real issues have been taken care of. The very next day I expressed my deep frustration to her, she has the exterminator at my door, asking how the bug control was. According to him, he sprayed outside but the chemicals used are no where near they used to be and you have to do more than one treatment. I haven't seen one cockroach since. Not even the curb neat the road. That's where they nested. Luckily, we never had problems with them coming inside ever. These particular nasty bugs are oriental roaches and live in the dirt, near water and sewers. Ugh, so gross!
We still haven't been notified about the Sex Offender here. Which I think, legally, they are to notify neighbors ASAP. Who knows, he may not even be here anymore. I've never seen him out. I guess he was staying with some tenants here. Either permanently or temporarily. All I know is, he just got out of jail.
The inside of our building is still filthy. I am going to clean it myself today. THis will be the third time I've done this. I am going to notify the office of how many times I've cleaned. They pay cleaners to do it but they've neglected to do it lately. So, they need to know that I am doing it. They want to try to get me to pay a portion of teh water bill because when I used to faucet(to clean the outside of the building), it's a little corroded and I couldn't fully turn the faucet off the second time. I tried and tried for 10 minutes. I finally gave up, after Wise's crying fit, holding onto my leg, getting muddy and wet, PRince and MAter fighting, getting in my way and being loud. I threw the towel in and decided to rigg it off later. WEll, I totally forgot. TOTALLY. Yes, yes, I should've called the office but I forgot about it. There was too much going on. There's no way I can be charged for water. There's nothing in our contract that states to stay away from outdoor faucets. We were never notified and the faucet is corroded. I only used it ONCE to fill a big bucket(that leaked. There was no way I was going to haul a leaking bucket, with a crying 17 mo old, up and down 3 flights of stairs) so I could clean off the side of the building. So, there you have it.
I CANNOT WAIT TO BE A HOMEOWNER!!! Hopefully in the next few months, we'll be nestled in our first new home!


jlk said...

Yikes. I bet you can't wait to move.