Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A ROUGH night...

I seriously had one of the hardest nights to date last night... it was...well, I'll explain myself:

I deal with crazy indigestion and heartburn being pregnant. I basically have to sleep sitting up, along with taking heartburn medicine 2 times per day. I also have to take something to help me sleep. PLUS, I have serious Thoracic back and hip pain. It's a battle daily, especially at night. Last night trumped them all, however! I was getting ready for bed and experienced vertigo. I instantly stood up and needed to vomit! I vehemently upchuck my dinner and meds. I then feel super nauseous. I took an anti-nausea pill and go to bed, hoping to sleep it off. I woke up about every hour, in extreme hip and back pain. I was tossing and turning constantly, moving pillows around and trying to get rid of the 'squeak' in my down pillows (YES! They squeak. Its so annoying!) A few hours later, I take the other half of my nausea pill because I'm still nauseous. I felt like I had air bubbles stuck in my chest all night long. I take antacid chews and a swig of milk. Then I get unbearable heartburn. I was on fire! I get up, swig more milk and Hope to sleep. Now my back is burning in such pain, I cannot get comfortable! I couldn't sleep on my sides or my back. It was worthless to even sleep! I did NOT sleep AT ALL! So, finally, I get up at 7 am, miserable. My stomach still hurt! Bless Boricua's heart, he took the kids to school this morning so I could rest. It was probably one of the most uncomfortable nights EVER! I'm STILL a little nauseous and in a lot of back pain! And tonight I have to teach Zumba...can I do it???