Thursday, April 16, 2009


We had a nice Easter Sunday! The sun was out and my pansies were glowing. I sported my butterfly scarf. My boys wore their Festive outfits, they were out of control and all sugared up!
We had dinner here and I cooked up a traditional Mormon Easter Dinner. Ya know, ham, rolls, salad and funeral potatoes? I did however omit the green jello. It was all super good. I twisted it up (so I hope!) a bit and made my famous pineapple upside down cake for dessert. You haven't have pineapple upside down cake until you've had mine! Bias??? ..Nah...!!!
The following week has been atrocious. It's freezing cold, wet and it actually snowed in April. I'm back to sweats and freezing toes...and not getting my grass seeds spread. Dang man! It's a humdinger post Easter Week!
Other than that, Easter was NICE, AS ALWAYS!!!