Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Prince is really expanding his vocabulary these days and absorbing any kind of information he hears. I mean, ANY KIND.
He's obsessed with flashlights. MY dad allows him to use his and he has to show EVERYONE his discoveries. He came up to my dad recently and said, " Hey Grandpa; can I use your flashlight to NAVIGATE?" A big word for a just turned 4 year old, eh?
PRince, this might be a bad sign on momma's part, but, he has every commercial from Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network memorized. Observant and a great memory? YES! Is mom letting him watch too much TV? YES! I decided it was TV cut back time.

I will hear PRince attemting to discipline Wise. He will say, " Don't start B******! It's inapropriate! IF you're going to scream, you can do it in the basement! Do you wanna go down there?" He WILL say it that eloguently, YES. I wonder where he hears it from...OH DEAR.

If he's having a bad day, he'll say, " UGhhrr! I'm getting FUSTRATED!" Yes, no 'r' pronunciation after the 'f'.
IF you need to wipe his nose, clean his ears or anything he doesn't want to do; he'll try to stop you from doing it by saying, " LEMME TELL YOU A STORY!"...he doesn't have one....he's just smart enough to know it can hault the uncomfortable tasks of having to sit still.
And lastly, everything gross is, "Isscusking"...his pronunciation for 'disgusting'.


Jessica T. said...

I love the little ones pronunciations! so fun!!!