Monday, November 24, 2008

The V Fam update

I think it'd be nice to let everyone know how the V fam is doing here in Utah! We've been here for two months already! WOW! And we're STILL trying to adjust!

We are still here at mom's house. House hunting is going a little slower than expected. We first need to bring in a more lucrative income for our lender for proof that, yes, we are making money. It's taking longer than we had in mind. Boricua will be having to take on another PT job and had an interview today. His hardware and software testing scores were the highest the company has ever seen! GO HIM! WE have to wait a few more weeks on that, however, he also was hired on for Educate Online, to do PT tech support work from home at night. He's just waiting for his schedule! He's still at Geek Squad and he's really tired of retail but never complains. I have just picked up 3 more hour and a half classes a week! I will be teaching Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings. That's about all I can handle rightnow. Things are that much harder, with not having our own place, starting all over and dealing with kids. Prince has taken this change the hardest. He feels insecure and has diverted back into diapers, pretty much. Well, we DON'T put diapers on him but he feels really uncomfortable to go to the bathroom since we've been here. He's really clingy with me and throws some wicked temper tantrums. Last week he had an issue with sleeping in his room and has been missing his older brother. It's kind of caused me to feel guilty too. I fee like I've made a big mistake but then I remind myself that, that thought is totally irrational. Families move all of the time and things settle into place eventually. I just have no patience for it and that is indeed, something I need to work on.
I have met a great new friend who's been a total lifesaver. Talk about a small world, she grew up in MAryland and was in the Frederick Stake(Mormon Church)! We LOVE to workout and her daughter's name is the same name I've planned to name my daughter... if I ever have one(first person I met woh named her daughter this particular name and I've had my heart on this name since I was 17!). We have a total blast together. WE've been doing a yoga/tai chi/pilates fusion class on Fridays and it is such a GREAT way to end your week, or start your weekend!
Other than that, nothing miraculous or big breaks our way. Just small and continual blessings.


Anonymous said...

Welcome to Utah!

I'm a MN native who moved here for the impressive scenery.

I teach Real Taiji near the U, outdoors all year.

Great website theme, you have.