Monday, September 21, 2009


GOSH! I've been really horrible with keeping on the blog train! Who reads it anyway??!! I guess I only have time for Facebook and that's it. I've been sick too! Go figure! I'm always getting sick! I developed a sinus infection from a nasty flu/cold bug. It lasted for 2 weeks! Ugh, and I'm still to grip with this whole surgery thing! Ever since I had my abdomen pulled, tucked, cut and stitched, I've had chronic nausea and heartburn!! Is that normal?? I'm still having gas issues! It's quite annoying; I'll admit. Should I give you the V Fam run down??!!
Okay, if you insist...
*Prince is doing awesome is school and he loves it. Coinsidently, his teacher is from Maryland! Funny eh??!
*I'm not working rightnow! I need to focus on getting better before making any other extra commitments!
*I started dancing again!!!! And start performing again soon too! YEAH!
*I'm going back to school this Winter!!!
*I've gained 10 you love it??!! haha. Thanks to post surgery madness. I'll lose it soon.
*Wise is ALMOST potty-trained! We're almost done with diapers in the V Fam house! YESSSSSS!!