Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My multi-dimensional DAD

I feel I need to post a brief summary of a man I know as my dad. He is the most gifted, unique and multi-dimensional person I know. OFten times people are intimidated with his large vocabulary and ecentricities. He's a radical thinker and only the few can understand his complex cognitive levels. He is extremely spiritual and feels a oneness with a higher Entity. He writes, drawes, reads and has always been an avid biciclist. His artwork is truely a gift and it's astoundingly amazing ans surreal. He's written a text book type thesis on Cognitive Conseptual Mapping, that he did all on his own. He first thought it was a breakthrough to Cogntive Behavorial Therepy, but then, to his dismay, found out from his older brother, it's already been discovered. Only a noted Genius has been able to achieve that.
I'm so happy to say he's my papa. I remember the lessons taught growing up. I learned the meaning of retaliation. I learned what assertiveness, aggressiveness and passive aggressiveness was and it's distinctions by the time I was 8 years old. I also learned the destructiveness of Triangular Communication and what being dysfunctional is.
Amiss the great blessings mu dad has, he's suffered great tribulations. In 1987, on his way home from a bicycle race, he was struck by a driver who was legally blind. He suffered severe Brain Trauma, a badly broken neck and other life threatening wounds. He was not even a centimeter of a miracle to becoming a Quadropolegic. And all of this going on, my mom had 4 little kids, a dance studio and full time school to juggle. My dad spent months in a Rehabilitation Hospital. He could no longer work, barely speak and his dreams were shattered.
As the years went on, he struggled. My mom struggled but yet still kept her business alive and never neglected our needs and wants as children. My dad became Mr Mom. He made our dinner and tucked us into bed at night. There was never a night without our family coming together for prayer. Never a moment we were not learning something or reading something.
LAter on, my dad went back to school and obtained his Masters Degree. He then decided to do part time work as an Anger Management and Substance Abuse Counseler. With his disability, he is never allowed to work over 20 hours in a week. With that, he's focused on his gifts. He's putting out several pieces of his art and turning a youtube video into a visual art. He writes alot and has a 4 inch thick binder of notes about the Brain. He's an avid studier of the Bible. He has a strong conviction of there being a Jesus Christ who is our Savior. And still, he has the time to goof off and act like a boy.
My dad is A brilliant man.
PLEASE watch his work at You tube. CALLED RANDXERO.