Monday, July 20, 2009


Last night I watched a show called '16 and Pregnant' on MTV. The title for the show is self explanatory...the girls are 16...and pregnant. It's a 60 minute documentary taking them through pregnancy, how they cope and the difficulties of raising a child at such a young age. Usually these young girls have dead beat and immature boyfriends and generally come form broken homes. They struggle tremendously and som even drop out of high school.
Well, this story in particular, was a bit different. Two young teenagers ultimately decided to give their baby up for adoption. These young kids put their own feelings aside and soley thought of what was in the best interest of the child. They were both from broken homes, the bio father had a dad who was in prison for 10 years and the bio mother's own mom had a difficult time raising her and drug issues. The first concern they had was; they DID NOT want their child to be brought up they way they did. They felt their child deserved the very best life and they KNEW they couldn't do that at the given time. Through the entire pregnancy, these teens' parents fought and fought them NOT to give it up for adoption. But they surprisingly stood their ground and went with what they intuitively felt was the right thing to do.
This show was EXTREMELY moving, motivating and eye opening for me. As I have ALWAYS been a HUGE SUPPORTER of adoption, this show has given me more conviction of the SELF-LESS and MOST LOVING act of what is, adoption. I felt these young parents should be looked at as role models for other young teenagers who may get pregnant. Even single parents who struggle with their own lives. With the turmoil and pressure from family, personal anguish and sacrifice, they set that aside, didn't enable the feelings and stood up for what was right. I can only imagine the pain and emptiness you'd feel as a biological parent, who has 9 months of bonding, delivers the child into the world and still has the strength to give that child to a loving and and established couple the blessing of an Eternity. What is more self-less and giving than giving your CHILD, knowing you're not capable to give it a great life, to a family who CAN'T have children and yearn a longing for them. If adoption was more advocated and easier to do, I know there'd be a better youth. So many children, IN THIS COUNTRY ALONE, are born into very devastating and horrible circumstances. And we've got hundreds of thousands of loving couples who yearn for children.
With these circumstances, the children don't have a choice but the parent does. I don't know anything more unconditional loving and selfless than giving your child the chance to live a great and prosperous life! I was astounded and proud of this young couple, despite the sadness they went through, continually thought of this precious little baby girl and the best interest of her future. You could feel their pain. You're heart just broke but you were so touched by that amazing act of service and love they did. And espite the sadness, they were all filled with pure joy, giving this amazing gift to a couple and seeing their faces light up, was just amazing.
This young couple truely thought of this new life. They didn't think of themselves once. Not once. I was bawling my eyes out. Seriously sobbing. I still choke up thinking about it. Honestly, there's no other kinder and more loving act of service, than giving your child, that' you're uncapable to taking care of, to a family that can amd desire to.
I suggest you watch this show. It will touch your heart. I know it did mine and I'm a HUGE HUGE HUGE supporter of ADOPTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's a pure act of LOVE.


Jessica T. said...

I watch this show regularly and I don't think they could have picked a better young couple to end the season with. I totally agree with you on every aspect of that hour. What a selfless act, and such great role models for others. I too, was just SOBBING!!!