Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Another year, two other Birthdays!

Welp, March is just about over and we celebrated my two boys birthdays, yet again! Wise is a big, stinkin, wild, roudy, messy, silly and goofy 3 year old. He gets into everything and makes a new mess every morning for me to clean up...of course HE HAS TO HELP or little guy will get a time out!! He is definately a 'terrible 3 year old'. 'Terrible TWOS' don't exsist in the V FAm's the THREES! HOLY BANANA TORTURE FRUSTRATION! Dog gon! I can't keep up! I'm ready to lose my marbles some days! But Nonetheless, Wise is my baby wise. I love him to smithereens and he makes my day more exciting.

Next up was my Prince. My first born! He thinks he's all huge 'n' stuff 'cuz he's 5! He's so smart and intuitive. He's very creative and alot like his old mom. He's very sensitive and in tune with his emotions...that's for darn sure!! He LOVEs pop culture and his favorite singer rightnow is Justin Bieber...he thinks he's one cool kat. Prince loves breakdancing and loves to show me his tricks. He's still set on being an Actor and Heart Surgeon...


Stacey said...

Thanks again for the birthday left overs. They were yummy!