Saturday, January 10, 2009

What a crazy week!

WOW WOW all I gotta wow...Here's why:

So...this whole house buying ordeal... a nightmare. It all came crashing down this week and we switched lenders...went back to square one...but now we're in good hands.
After spending 250.00 for inspections, you best be giving us a competent lender! lol. All is well. It's just been a mind boggling headache...dang, does that even make sense? I had a feeling our realtor was/is frustrated with us..I wont name names. He's been working so hard and things just weren't going the way he planned them to go. It was a big headache for all of us. We have to close on January hop on it new lender! I'm not sure if it will because VA Loans take longer to process than regular FHA loans. We'll shall see!

We had a bit of a meltdown here and some major lack of communication going on this the log house. I felt we were getting kicked out but we weren't. And that's all that matters. I wont air my dirty laundry. Suffice it to say, it was pure duuurrraaammmaaa but now we're happy happy happy.

Boricua injured a finger on each of his hands. First; we were walking into Rumbi Island Grill to eat. Prince slipped on black ice and fell flat on his face. Boricua then walked over, holding Wise, to help him up. Then he slipped, Wise in tote, his head nearing for concrete. Thanks to Boricua's reflexes, he quickly put his hand under Wise's head to lesson the impact. Well, while that happened, he sprained his little pinky finger. The next day, we were at the house and the door handle to the basement was messed up. Boricua was trying to pull the handle out, the exposing edge sliced his finger so deep, you could get a glimpse of his little bone! So, it was a horror scene at the house. We're already creating memories there! lol. He opted out on stitches and decided to whip out the first aid kit and take care of the wound himself. I'll admit, he's done a great job. He should be a doctor...
The set back was; he works with his hands at work! And he can barely use one hand rightnow! The other one has a splint, with two butterfly closures, trying to keep a super deep wound closed. He had to take a day off but that was actually really nice!

Until next time...